Seb and Anita Comps

Posted By: Toby Published: 26/07/2024

Congratulations to Seb and Anita on their fantastic efforts in Innsbruck a few weeks ago for the IFSC World Champs.

Here at First Ascent we always try to support people doing good things, whether this is young and upcoming local athletes, charities or people trying to raise money or awareness for good causes. As part of this we support 2 both Seb and Anita who are both GB paraclimbers.

Seb is a young highly enthusiastic paraclimber from the midlands who had been training hard while studying full time to compete in as many climbing competitions as possible.

Anita is a highly experienced paraclimber who has been climbing for many years and now offers coaching and training as well as competition in competitions similar to Seb. 

They both spend a lot of time at The Climbing Unit in Derby where Seb also works part time and Anita also offers lots of coaching there. It's a great training ground for upcoming competitions. We just want to say how proud we are of them both and the incredible efforts they put into their training to maximise their performence when competing.  


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