Sleeping Bag Liners and Travel Sheets : silk, cotton, merino & more!... * Travel Pillows * Hammocks * Travel Towels * Insect Shield Range * Stuff Sacks * 

'We want travellers to get a good night's sleep, ready for new adventures the next morning.'

... a simple philosophy from the world’s leading sleep-gear manufacturer.

Cocoon grew from founder (and avid traveller) Josef Sturm’s desire to ‘travel far and in comfort’.  His company is now dedicated to providing exactly that for today’s traveller with a keen focus on product design and development, using high quality fabrics to provide the perfect mix of performance and comfort. 

Founded in the 1980's, Cocoon’s range has now grown to include a vast array of travel essentials (with a few luxuries thrown in).  From  traditional cotton and silk sleeping-bag liners through to their amazing ultralight travel pillows, they have pretty much every base covered, including insect-shield fabrics and mosquito nets. 

We use Cocoon's products on every trip we take – it’s as simple as that!


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